July 21, 2011

№45 by Sam Milbrath

Here is my newest work of 35mm tungsten slide film photography. I hope you enjoy the summery aesthetic. 

July 11, 2011

№44 by Sam Milbrath

Check out the whole collection of my newest summer photography @ AnOther9

July 9, 2011

Eliot Lee Hazel

Eliot Lee Hazel captures the most fantastical and amazingly artistic photographs out there. If I were in a sweet hipster band, I'd want my album art to look just like these. 


July 6, 2011

Christopher Schreck

I came across Christopher Schreck's work months ago while browsing a photography collective's site. Why I didn't post any of his work right away is beyond me. Sometimes photography like this has to settle in slowly in order to allow our pride to move aside. As a photographer myself, I consider Schreck's work to be one of many pinnacles in the direction I hope my colour photography goes. His bright optimism in nature and the inanimate projects the perfect tie-died aesthetic for summer. This makes me regret taping the back of my film cameras to prevent colourful light-leaks. 

Check out his work at WISE UP, on his website, or on flickr.